Weekly Newsletters
Each week, we summarize the accomplishments of the teams in Ukraine and post them here.
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August 31, 2022
Thanks to your generous support of Ukraine TrustChain’s fundraiser for school supplies for first graders, Dina’s nonprofit organization Vilny Liudy – Vilna Krayina was able to purchase enough items to send 229 displaced first graders to school. Below, you can see the distribution of school supplies for some of these children and the eagerness on their faces.
August 24, 2022
We are writing on Tuesday night, as Ukraine begins the celebration of the 31st Independence Day Festival. Though in the last 31 years, Ukraine has seen many momentous events, this year Independence Day bears unprecedented significance. Every minute of it vibrates with fresh memories of the enormous sacrifices people of Ukraine made defending Ukraine’s independence against a monstrous and tyrannical enemy. For us Ukrainians the Ukrainian citizen volunteers have epitomized the vibrant spirit of the free Ukraine that will come out victorious in this terrible war.
August 17, 2022
Another project we support through Oleksandr Davydiuk that is near and dear to his heart is a charity “Star of Hope” (Zirka Nadiyi). This organization focuses on working with the children from refugee families in Lutsk. A refugee camp in Lutsk has housed more than 6,000 people over the last 5 months, and Oleksandr Zhalovaga pours his soul into helping kids cope with their difficult situations by providing art therapy, music therapy and field trips for children from the shelter.
August 10, 2022
Members of Ukraine TrustChain held an art booth to raise funds for Ukraine volunteers at the Evanston, IL, night market. Thank you to Oxana Fursenko for donating such beautiful artwork that UTC gave as gifts for donations as well as to Natasha Burylina who did face painting for kids at the event in support of volunteers in Ukraine.
August 4
Andriy and his heroic drivers personally put on the helmets and armor to deliver 1.5 tons of aid to Siversk – a city just miles away from the hottest battle zone of the last few weeks. Coming back from these trips Andriy evacuated 16 people. See the video below that reflects this heroic mission.
June 29
During the Russian occupation, 60-80 people were hiding in the basement of this school. The day that Kseniia and the rebuilding crew arrived, villagers came to welcome them, bringing the volunteers gifts and offering food. Installing a new school roof became a community-wide effort that reflected the power of mobilizing local and grassroots efforts to achieve results.
May 24
Despite ongoing fuel shortages, teams that we fund evacuated 1,452 people last week from the embattled Northern Donbas region, from Bakhmut, Lysychansk and the surrounding areas. Every evacuee had been staying in place in impossible conditions for three months until now. It is heartbreaking that circumstances have finally forced them to evacuate
May 16
This week, gas shortages in Ukraine became more severe. Volunteer teams waited in multi-hour lines at gas stations, and resorted to desperate tactics to fuel cars for the evacuations and aid deliveries. Some teams designated resupply vehicles that deliver fuel to caravans on the move; others get gas donations from friends, siphoning gas from their cars. Gas prices are projected to rise after the gas supply is stabilized.
May 9
On May 8, Ukrainian WWII veterans face a sacred, somber day, one replete with collective suffering and tragedy. Violence and horror haunts these veterans and their families more than 77 years later. This week, our teams in Kharkiv delivered aid packages and flowers to veterans who are living under fire. Our hearts break for those who sacrificed everything in the past and who now witness war and experience tragedy all over again.