June 1, 2023

51,469 people evacuated from danger to date

156 people evacuated from danger this week

22 trips into the deoccupied and frontline territories

Ukraine has seen it all by now. Because our teams work in the most affected areas, many of their hardships have been described in previous newsletters. Yet, the invaders manage to find new ways to inflict damage. The last two weeks and past three days in particular have been marked by relentless aerial attacks. Although the Ukrainian Air Defense intercepted most kamikaze drones and rockets, the incessant alarms and explosions in the air deprive people and their pets of sleep. This strain and stress only reinforces volunteers’ determination as well as our commitment to support them.

We were able to allocate funds for the direct support of the established volunteer teams thanks to a specially designated generous donation from our valued contributors. Many of the volunteers face significant financial challenges because they often prioritize the needs of others over their own. While the allocated funds may not fully compensate for their tremendous efforts, at least in the short term they will serve to support their essential needs, foster team morale, and sustain the remarkable spirit of the Ukrainian volunteer movement.

Rocket hit the courtyard of one of our team’s headquarters last week, but did not explode.



Trips to the East - Tetiana’s Team - Dopomoha Poruch

Tetiana was on her way to Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region when her car broke down in a small town 1.5 hours away from Dnipro. While her team was fixing the car and looking for a place to stay, a rocket hit a hospital in Dnipro. The volunteers immediately decided to head to Dnipro and managed to find a driver with a truck. They transferred aid to the truck and drove to the hospital to help the victims. After distributing aid there, Tetiana went to the site of the strike to help rescue workers. This was the first time Tetiana witnessed a rescue operation, and it greatly affected her. She shared that she has had trouble sleeping and has nightmares of debris, fire, and screams. After Dnipro, Tetiana made it to Pokrovsk, distributed the remaining aid, and evacuated one person from there to Smila.

Tetiana and her team distributed 180 aid packages in total this week.


Evacuations by Dobra Sprava (“Good Cause”)
Last week the team made 12 trips to frontline areas, evacuating 155 people, and delivered two tons of aid along the way. One of the families evacuated this week was a 27-year-old mother with her three children. The oldest one is 8 years old, but he pulled the weight of an adult loading and unloading his family’s possessions packed in a dozen garbage bags. The family was evacuated from Bahmut earlier, but didn’t want to go far west. They stayed in Konstantynivka, though now, due to intensifying shelling, had to gather their belongings and evacuate once again. Fortunately our team was still available to help.


Agricultural Project Update

Inna Kampen’s team completed seedling distribution, delivering to additional 16 villages and towns across Ukraine. Nine villages from deoccupied or battle-zone areas around Kharkiv came to Inna asking for help as well. After discussion with the team and the seedling producer, we found a way to extend the program to cover 2,200 more families.

Natalia Mitsuta’s team made a major push in the Kherson region, distributing 16,000 plants in the villages and planning two more trips in the upcoming weeks. Pavel’s team is completing seed distributions though a bit behind schedule.

Finally, we are getting more pictures from recipients proudly showing off their gardens with verdant and growing plants.


People behind bullet points

We’d like to share stories about people receiving our help. This is to remind ourselves that the 5-digit number of people we help weekly consists of people just like us:

  • Nina, 82, is stuck in Konstantynivka. Earlier, volunteers helped her take out the winter window frames. This was timely as last week the shelling shattered windows in her building. Fortunately, volunteers arrived the next day and installed the back up frames. Without this, Nina would have had to survive without windows.

  • A family of five from Balakliya tried to leave the occupation zone early on, but could not get through the checkpoint, because one of the Russian soldiers “took an interest in their daughter.” Volunteers helped the family out through the woods at night, but the family has been traumatized by this and continues to live in fear.

  • A civilian from Novovasylivka lost his wife shortly after his village was occupied by Russians. His son fights in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He makes up rough pro-Ukrainian songs that he sings loudly walking the streets of his village. He said that once Russians threatened him with a gun trying to make him stop, but he replied that, since he was alone, he had nothing left to lose.

Team Summaries

Oleksandr D’s Volunteer Networks

  • Pavlo V (Dnipro): delivered 3 tons of aid to Dobropillya, Kramatorsk and Pokrovsk (Donetsk Region), grocery bags and diapers to 430 people in Slovyansk and bread to refugees in Dnipro region

  • Oleksandr S (Boyarka): 3.5 tons delivered from Mukachevo and distributed to border villages in Chernihiv region and IDPs 

  • Vladyslav K (Mykolaiv): transported 35 tons drinking water, and 6 tons of groceries, clothes, shoes and diapers

  • Sandra S (Odesa): fed 1,100 people, including deliveries to bedridden patients

  • Oleksandr Z (Lutsk): 3 art therapy sessions, aid, and glasses for 40 children with disabilities, IDPs, or children from large low-income families


Angelia - Mobile Clinic

  • Traveled to Lutsk providing help to 45 IDPs served by Oleksandr Davydiuk network 


Kseniia’s Team - NGO Livyj Bereh 

  • 7 more roofs restored, 4 in Slatyne and 3 in Prudianka

  • 130 roofs restored to date

  • Kherson team helped 120 families with family members with disabilities


Natasha - Vysnia Volunteer Center

  • Delivered 16,000 seedlings (tomatoes and peppers) to Tverdomedove, Kniazivka

  • Reported that the villages Natasha helps are recovering with more people returning and basic infrastructure such as gas and water being restored

  • Demining continues in Kherson region with UTC providing fuel and covering other basic needs of civilian demining corps


Inna Kampen - Krok Z Nadiyey

  • 7,950 people received aid packages overall. 11,000 received bread. 28.8 tons of aid delivered.

  • Seedling distribution continued in 16 towns across the East of Ukraine

  • Food, household chemicals, and diapers delivered to 80 families in Slaviansk and Konstantynivka

  • Delivered help to 88 families in deoccupied Mospanove

  • Two trips to Kherson region, 140 packages to Berislav and Davydov Brid

  • Trips to the bombarded Nikopol and Pavlohrad

  • Supporting field hospital by solving electric and water supply needs and delivering hygienic products

Timur’s Team – Timur and Team

  • 500 packages delivered to Saltivka and Alekseevka

  • A missile hit Kivsharivka where Timur often distributes aid. Many of the people they regularly help were hurt in that attack. Timur is working quickly to bring help to the area.


Pavel’s Team - Touch of Heart and Dawn of Hope

  • 3,250 people received aid packages in Mykolayiv, Kyiv orphanages, and Kharkiv

  • Distributed aid in deoccupied villages of Kherson region: Pavlo-Maryanivka, Novovaylivka, Novokondakove, Posad-Pokrovske

  • Final round of seed distribution completed in deoccupied parts of Mykolayiv region

  • Team is preparing multiple events for children next week for Children’s Protection Day, a minor holiday before the war that gained prominence as a date to try to distract children from realities of war.


Andriy’s Team  - BF Pomahaem 

  • 48 people (15 children) continue to live in Andriy’s shelter

  • 107 packages delivered to Novopokrovka

  • Organized a tour for refugee families as part of Pomahaem’s refugee reintegration program 


Marina – Good Give Ukraine

  • Distributed aid to 42 families in Saksahan

  • Delivered 150 food and hygiene packages for the elderly in remote locations around Piatykhatky


Dina - Vilni Liudy – Vilna Krayina

  • Helped 537 families through the distribution centers

  • Mailed 100 packages of food, hygiene products, diapers, bedding to small, hard-to-reach places

  • Sergey T brought 560 packages of aid and 108 packages of children’s medicine to Yatsk, Korovy Yar, Rubcy, and Lozova. 

Bogdan  - Vse robymo sami

  • 42 families received food kits

How to Help

  1. Donate - The money goes directly to teams providing aid on the ground, who respond dynamically to the most urgent needs.

  2. Fundraise - Organize fundraisers at your school, work, place of worship, with friends and family, etc.

  3. Spread the word - Share our website, FacebookInstagramTwitter, or LinkedIn with your friends, family, and colleagues.

  4. Fill out this form if you’re interested in volunteering with us, and we’ll let you know when opportunities come up.

  5. Download and print our flyer. Ask your local coffee shop if you can add it to the bulletin, or use it as part of your fundraiser.


June 8, 2023


May 25, 2023